ALICE DIOP, born in 1979, is a French filmmaker. She is known for directing social documentary films. In 2022, she received the Grand Jury Prize and the Best Debut Film Award for Saint Omer, her first fiction film, at the Venice Film Festival. In 2023, she also won the César Award for Best First Feature Film for Saint Omer. |
Carte blanche à Alice Diop:
Thursday, February 27th 6:00 PM. WE (NOUS) Alice Diop | 2020 | France Presented by director Alice Diop Friday, February 28th 7:45 PM. Homage to Chantal Akerman: JEANNE DIELMAN, 23 QUAI DU COMMERCE, 1080 BRUXELLES Chantal Akerman | 1975 | Belgium, France Presented by director Alice Diop Saturday, March 1st 4:00 PM. The Ideal Cinematheque of the Outskirts of the World: CLICHY POUR L'EXEMPLE Alice Diop | 2006 | France | 50 min KINDERTOTENLIEDER Virgil Vernier | 2021 | France | 27 min EUROPA 2005 — 27 OCTOBRE Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub | 2006 | France | 12 min Followed by a conversation with director Alice Diop |
« La découverte des films du Collectif Mohammed (Le garage, Zone immigrée, Ils ont tué Kader) est bouleversante. Ces enfants d’immigrés qui récupèrent des bouts de pellicule au début des années 80, pour raconter à partir de leur expérience, ce qu’ils voient, sont mes parents de cinéma directs. Leurs images bégaient, mais elles ont la grâce du premier geste. Il y a une justesse dans ces films, malgré leur fragilité, qui les rend précieux et qui fonde le cinéma de cinéastes arrivés après eux, celui de Ladj Ly notamment, le mien. Nous sommes tous des héritiers de l’audace de ces jeunes hommes qui ont décidé de ne plus être les jouets d’images produites par d’autres. Voir ces films nous permet de sortir du ressassement perpétuel, nous oblige à inventer de nouvelles images, creuser de nouvelles galeries. Ce que fait Virgil Vernier trente ans plus tard, d’ailleurs. A travers le dispositif de Kindertotenlieder, il bâtardise le récit du pouvoir, nous fait entendre sa violence, en mutant le commentaire, en le déchirant, le faisant taire. » — Alice Diop
"The discovery of the films from the Collectif Mohammed (Le garage, Zone immigrée, Ils ont tué Kader) is overwhelming. These children of immigrants, who collected pieces of film in the early 1980s to share what they saw from their experiences, are my direct cinematic ancestors. Their images stutter, yet they carry the grace of the first gesture. There is a truth in these films, despite their fragility, that makes them precious and forms the foundation of the cinema made by filmmakers who came after them, such as Ladj Ly, and my own. We are all heirs to the boldness of these young men who decided to no longer be the playthings of images produced by others. Watching these films allows us to step out of perpetual repetition, compelling us to invent new images and dig new tunnels. This is precisely what Virgil Vernier does thirty years later. Through the device of Kindertotenlieder, he bastardizes the narrative of power, letting us hear its violence by mutating the commentary, tearing it apart, and silencing it." — Alice Diop |
It all began in Clichy-sous-Bois. The unjust death of two teenagers sparked revolt, anger, and indignation. From here, the blaze spread like wildfire, igniting neighboring cities before reaching the rest of France. By taking Clichy as an example, this film attempts to explore the roots of this anger. Diop studies the invisible forms of violence—those that rarely make the headlines but nonetheless carried the seeds of the November 2005 revolt. From the housing projects to the schools, from the schools to the local employment office, and through the mayor's office, everyone strives daily to fight against the social injustices which insidiously poison life in the banlieues. Years after the riots, the conclusion is bitter: "Nothing new under the sun" at Clichy-sous-Bois. KINDERTOTENLIEDER Virgil Vernier From television news archives, this film revisits the 2005 riots in France, which erupted following the death of two youths pursued by the police. EUROPA 2005 – 27 OCTOBRE Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub On October 27, 2005 in Clichy-sous-Bois, three panic-stricken young boys, pursued by the police, took refuge in the restricted area of an electric substation; two of them, Bouna and Zyed, were burned alive. |
The Ideal Cinematheque of the Outskirts of the World
Developed since 2021 by the Centre Pompidou and les Ateliers Médicis based on an original idea by filmmaker Alice Diop, with the support of the CNC and numerous partners, its aim is to contribute to the circulation, dissemination, and recognition of "suburban cinema" worldwide, programming, a website, research and training programs, and film production and restoration projects.
Cinémathèque idéale des banlieues du monde
Développée depuis 2021 par le Centre Pompidou et les Ateliers Médicis sur une idée originale de la cinéaste Alice Diop, avec le soutien du CNC et de nombreux partenaires, elle a pour objectif de contribuer à la circulation, la diffusion, la reconnaissance du cinéma des « banlieues du monde », à travers des programmations, un site web, des programmes de recherche et de formation, ainsi que des projets de production et de
restauration de films.
an online platform / une plateforme en ligne:
Developed since 2021 by the Centre Pompidou and les Ateliers Médicis based on an original idea by filmmaker Alice Diop, with the support of the CNC and numerous partners, its aim is to contribute to the circulation, dissemination, and recognition of "suburban cinema" worldwide, programming, a website, research and training programs, and film production and restoration projects.
Cinémathèque idéale des banlieues du monde
Développée depuis 2021 par le Centre Pompidou et les Ateliers Médicis sur une idée originale de la cinéaste Alice Diop, avec le soutien du CNC et de nombreux partenaires, elle a pour objectif de contribuer à la circulation, la diffusion, la reconnaissance du cinéma des « banlieues du monde », à travers des programmations, un site web, des programmes de recherche et de formation, ainsi que des projets de production et de
restauration de films.
an online platform / une plateforme en ligne: